Thursday, September 07, 2006

Decided I wasn't interested after all

I changed my mind! I'm no longer interested in the 45 year old in the park. Too gray! Physically, emotionally, and mentally. She has two children and she is out to them, but not her mother? Come on grow up!

See, it was different when I was that age. I didn't give a shit but L did and she was afraid and worried about telling her dad. NO big deal! He said just figured it out anyway that she was gay. No big secret. Same with the above mentioned woman.

Oh, I guess she is so afraid of disappointing her mother. Boy, these mothers sure do a job on us. Hey, they screwed and got pregnant - we don't owe them the fucking world.

It's not like they made some tremendous huge sacrifice for us - they screwed and got pregnant! Nothing more, nothing less. They were obligated to do their civic duty to raise their offspring and they did... nothing more, nothing less.

We don't owe them the world. Don't let 'em suck you in! You'll be waiting on them hand and foot for three times the years they took to raise you. Don't let'm sucker you in!

Don't even think about babying them... they'll milk it for all their worth. They believe for some unknown Hallmark/ Catholic Church reason that you OWE them. You don't owe them nothing, I"m a telling you!

My mother would have had me waiting on her and kissing her ass every fucking day of my life from the time I was big enough to climb up on a chair and wash and dry dishes. She USED me! I was nothing but a fucking servant! No hugs, no love no nothing.

I asked her when I was about two or three "Mother why did you have children"? She replied "To help me with the house work!" I am not joking here!

I finally abondoned the whole shit load of them... I hope I never see them again. All they did was abuse me, belittled and kick me around! After fifty fucking years of trying to please family, society, fucking rip-off church (they just want your money - fool!) and the stupid ass government that used homosexuals as pawns of distraction from the real issues you should be looking at. And people are stupid enough to listen to these morons.

I'm a tax payer and I am not represented and I object to that! The government, oil and auto industry has been ripping you off since the gasoline driven (in cahoots with oil then) Ford Model A first came out of the factory. They only care about profit not the air you breath! Yeah, they speak for the American people all right! And they sell you junk! American cars are built to break down so they get still more of your money! Hello! Just how dumb are you? And Ford built their products so you have to add oil in between oil changes. Yeah, brilliant idea, so you have to buy more OIL!

Any electric car companies that try to make the scene are discouraged or destroyed. So don't try to mess with the big boys, they'll rub you out and drive right over you!

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