Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"The Angels Listened in..."

Old song!

But, I pray to my angels guides all the time. Yesterday, I saw a broken feather on the trail as we rode and for some reason that vision stuck in my mind. Makes me wonder?

Anyway here is an excerpt from Haywatch.com:
The word angel means “messenger of God.” Angels love everyone unconditionally. They focus on our Divinity and potential. They want to help you, me, and everyone live in peace. Angels stationed permanently by our side are called guardian angels. Archangels are managers overseeing our guardian angels. The angelic realm also includes “choirs” of angels called principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. Guidance and instruction from angels comes in one of four ways: physical or emotional feeling—such as a hunch or gut feeling; visions and dreams—an image that appears in your minds eye; knowingness—a revelation or “download” of information; words and sounds—such as hearing a song in your head. Angels leave signs of their presence all the time! Feathers in unusual places, hearing the same recommendation from several sources, a sweet fragrance, sparkles of light, and more. The more you take note of these signs, the more confidence you’ll have in angels. Angels are tasked with protecting us. Ask the angels to watch over you and your loved ones. They will listen! Angels can help you find lost objects, the right job, a great home, good health, wonderful friends and so much more. An angel may come into our lives in human form for a brief relationship, to provide us with protection, to steer us through a major life intersection, or to give us extra support and guidance. More than anything, your angels wish you to enjoy utter peace and happiness. They’re available around-the-clock to help you with this endeavor. All you need to do is ask.

Yes they are with me always and I pray to them during the day as I am doing risky tasks or just for anything.

"Angels may come to us in human form for a brief relationship, to steer us through a major life intersection, or to give us extra support and guidance." This I truly believe!

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