Sunday, July 02, 2006

Eye for an Eye!

Headline in today paper read: "How should the killers be killed?". That's easy an eye for an eye! Who would do the killing? Okay, that's the tough part. The prisoners on dead row could kill each other. Okay, then who would kill off the last one? That's easy! Giv'em the chair or a lethal injection...

To be continued.. I have been invited over to my neighbor's home to EAT! I'm hungry!

It's later, I'm back.

Okay, if you stab someone to death another prisoner on death row stabs you. Or, better yet, have a machine do it so the another prisoner doesn't get the thrill of another murder.

I think that if someone who raped, knew they were going to be raped may slow them up a little or make them think twice about raping someone.

Or, are most crime committed in the heat of anger without thinking. If so too bad. For committing their heinous crime they should know what is coming and sit there wait for it and think about it. It sounds fair to me!

This idea does not go without fault or mix up. What if the accused is wrongly accused?


I just think an "eye for an eye" would be a deterrent. Oh let's make it public too while we are at it. Public slayings just like in biblical times!

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