Tuesday, July 11, 2006

computerized voting and the Republicans

I was listening to NPR this evening and one caller insisted that like Canada and Mexico there should be receipt issued after you vote verifying how you voted so the Republicans can't throw out unwanted votes.

I think that the last presidential election was a disgrace but Republicans do not care because they already got what they wanted. In other words do whatever it takes to win then worry about apologizes or covering it up later. I had a friend that thought that way. She said I always do what I want and they apologize later. Well, that is one way of looking at it and getting what you want.

In the last election, certain thought to be potential democrats, demographic groups were isolated and excluded like voter eligible felons and certain minority groups. In many area poor and probably democratic groups had to stand and wait about two to four hours in line because reaching the ballet box. Again in hopes of giving up and going home before getting a chance to vote.

And now the new computerized voting machines are designed without giving receipts...so you know the Republicans will hold the majority in the house and senate and win the presidential election in 2008. You can bet on it!

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