Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Would you like a cigarette?

Have you noticed through the years that the more expensive cigarettes became the less likely you were offered one. And smokers began to hate cigarette moochers. Well, I used to hang out in bars and smoke myself..trying to live the straight life of all things. I am so glad I came to my senses in both cases! I no longer smoke and I am an out to myself lesbian. Did smoking make me gay?

Yes, smoking made me gay! :) No, I am just kidding. Boy I bet that would stop a lot of these skinny young guys in baggy bottom jeans and holey white t-shirts driving noisy, smoky, big ass pick-ups. Yes, smoking makes you gay! And for women - it makes your babies gay. Hey, maybe I'm not too far off. Last evening on NPR talking about how siblings affect our lives, some guy called in and said that if a mother has already given birth to several boys, then there is more of a possibility for the next one to be gay? He said that having boys effected the mother's immune system and after giving birth to so many boys, her immune system begins to reject the male fetus and doesn't allow it to form totally...I believe that is how his logic went!

Again, blame it on the woman, rather it was probably the cigarettes she smoked? I wonder if this guy doing the research checked into that too besides just the gay guy have older brothers...that seems rather lame to me. Well, you could even blame the mother again by accusing her of wanting a girl after all the boys that she forced the young boy to help her move the living furniture around, and that, in turn made him gay! :)

In the 1960's and 1970's, psychologist blamed domineering mothers on turning "normal" boy into gay boys! Don't you just love it! Hey, it's the father who determines the sex of the child! I guess that physical knowledge still holds true.. Well still today yet, maybe! Who knows? Who knows, maybe it's just a crap shoot; I mean a sperm shoot! :)

But, maybe the smoking theory is true? My mother smoked when she was pregnant (hell back then it was probably suggested by the doctor as a healthy means of controlling weight!).

People were in such denial, and still are, many of them; but, doesn't your common sense just tell you that your lungs and smoking are not conducive to good health? It's the same as sticking your nose up to the tailpipe of a running automobile. Or inhaling smoke from a campfire? I think deep down we all know and have always known, even the government, even the medical profession, even the tobacco manufacturers that smoking is unhealthy. Don't chew it either and think that you are getting off the hook! It's only common sense, people!

But, for some reason, the government, movie studios, advertisement agencies and doctors gathered together in favor and for the cause of the tobacco farmers and cigarettes manufacturers. Native Americans spirits lingering above have probably been going "Yes!" with big grins on their faces. You're getting yours! "Push us off our land, why don't you!"

Personally, I still believe in the notion of the Native Americans revenge theory. They are getting their aren't they? Native American help introduce tobacco to the aggressive immigrants who were taking over, wiping them out with disease and guns. Hopefully, revenge is sweet to the spirits of the Native American.

States will be pasting bills to rise taxes on cigarettes, Missouri has one of the lowest taxes of 17 cents per pack and they want to rise it to 80 cents per pack. Of course the uneducated and addicted are protesting: "You can't tell me what to do?" Hello! They probably don't wear seats belts either! And probably don't have insurance either. So the federal government aids the tobacco industry and then in the end YOU pay for the resulting illnesses - seems about right to be! Thank you Mr Bush!

I don't mean to sound cruel, it just amazes me why people just kick themselves when they are already down. But, I guess that is just a combination of ignorance and human nature.

Not me - when I was a kid and life would kick me down, I would get angry and vowed to come back better and stronger just to show them I could rise up above them. Well, I succeeded too; anyway, regarding my independence. I never asked them for a single thing, I made sure I would never have to. I'm totally done with them! They have drained all the life out of me that I will permit them to drain. You see we are indeed in control of our destinies, in that respect.

But, you can't bring someone in your life and "make" them love you. Or can you! I need to change my thinking; I know, be careful what you wish for! Hm, do I see a sweet big eyed girl in my future love life? She's adorable!

Damn! There I go again! Stop it! No more falling in love! Stop!

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