Saturday, July 22, 2006

A quick word!

I'm tired and it's time for bed since I will be leaving bright and early at 6:00 AM to ride the 32 mile loop at SIUE with three other friends.

I had a great day! First of by joining my running group and actually being flirted with. I think? Anyway it was playful and fun. This group is filled is fabulous like-minded and fun people. We had someone at the restaurant we go to for breakfast ask if they could join the group. Of course, we were glad to see that they were interested.

After that fun time; the weather was so lovely I had to ride around for bit. So I ran an errand and rode to south city to get a snack at the bread company.

I got home and made my broccoli salad for tomorrow evening and found that I fried the whole pound of bacon instead of only half of it; so I invited L over for BLT's that is if she had bread and tomotoes. I had everything else!

The electricity came back on at 4:00 AM last night and I quick got up and turned the A/C off before it kicked on because it was not going to be needed. It was in the low 60's last evening with a fabulous breeze.

So far, so good! My power has managed to stay on. Lately, it's been a day to day event to see if it saves on and it haven't been.

I'm looking forward to the ride in the morning. I bought donuts for energy. I'll eat at lease two before I get there; I need to be able to keep up with these guys. Last ride, last Sunday, I worked my tail off!

Wish me luck!

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