Friday, January 06, 2006

Just wanted to check in

I hope I see you Sunday, my summer love. Please try not to dislike me too much. You see, I have the feeling you really dislike me; I could be such an ally, really. I have only your best interest at heart; truly I do.

I'm so glad you are back in the crowd; I have missed you terribly. I promise not to bug you; you won't even know that you are extra special to me. Believe me I have had years of practice.

It's probably why I'm no good at relationships. Is it true, you can't do relationships because you have a problem loving? I can't do relationships, because I do love. I can't commit!

Anyway, I was just thinking about you; I wish we could talk and be friends. I wish we could talk to each other. See, I'm afraid to talk to you too; I think I might push you further away if I try too.

Well, I have to go; the sun came out and I want to walk to Walgreens, I want to do yoga with my DVD. I want to play my guitar. I am beginning lessons on Tuesday at 5:00 PM with Robin, whom I met at Christine's family Thanksgiving. I was sad that day becuase I missed you. I guess someone else got my cornish hen.

You are difficult at times to be around and to communicate with and I'm afraid I will push you further away if I try too hard; so I will take my time. I just want you to feel comfortable in my presence; that's all. As difficult as you are, I love you with every fiber of my being. You are definitely not boring to me; in fact, quit the contrary, adorably refreshing! I love your spunk! I think I love you in every which way possible.

Well, I have to get moving, I have poker here tonight at 6:00PM. I need to clean, to yoga, play my guitar (I'm staring lessons on Tues at 5), I wanted to walk to Wallgreens; maybe I will, my mind is everything and I can't settle down; if I walk I'm better able to focus.

Every evening of the week is booked for me and some Saturdays coming up. Oh most Sundays are free during the day. I'm looking forward to bicycling season.

I hope to see you in the park in the morning. I won't run with you and I won't bother you. I'll only love you from a distance like I have for months and you won't be able to see it...

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