Monday, August 28, 2006

A Beautiful Girl

I just her from my window the beautiful girl passing, walking up the street. She has a slight handicap, which gives her a bit of a limp, and shuffle of her right foot.

From here I can see she is getting slimmer.

Secretly, she touches my heart. She never looks at me when I say "Hi" in passing; always straight ahead and listens to her DVD player she holds in her good hand.

She touches my heart because I would love to be in her heart. I have no idea if she is gay or straight. I would just like to love her.

I pray for her and wish her happiness, love, good health and strength. I pray no man makes a fool of her. I pray she is loved.

I usually see her alone, walking mostly. I wish she would at least look at me.

She is bitter? I hope not and I hope she hasn't lost all hope in humanity. I hope it's nothing like that.

I don't know if she is gay or straight. Here I am waiting to love her. I don't pity her; it's my protective side showing. She's probably stronger and more brave then I'll ever be.

She could probably teach me a lot about love, life, hope and courage.

I wish she would look at me. Sometimes I get misty eyed. Here I am, just wanting to love someone and I pray to the universe that if she needs me, then the universe will bring us together. Well, even if she doesn't "need" me. No one can have too many friends. And we live so close.

She is probably highly educated and working and has a lover. She's probably getting more sex than I'll ever get. She's probably just fine!

Anyway, I just wished her (secretly, from here) much love, happiness, good health, and suggest. I wonder do I get misty eyed for her or for me? Either way, I wish "us" the best!

Hey, universe, I'm here for her if she needs me!

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