Friday, August 18, 2006

It's Friday Evening

Well, I'm taking it easy and playing it by ear. There is a positive side to being alone and that is no stress.

Last night just thinking about her possibly being here I couldn't sleep. I was a mess.

This evening? I'll play it by ear.

I'm getting ready to get cleaned and call and see when people will be there.

I'm hungry but I don't feel like eating. That, folks, is clue number one.

Or I could take a nap. I'm tired!

I guess I can get ready and go out and just get it over with....the anxiety I mean.

Just face it. Face the dreaded truth.

Actually, a Margarita sounds pretty tasty.

Okay, here I go. Wish me luck!

My horoscope was no help today. Ezekiel has been the most help. He has already seen us there together at N's party, happy, and smiling. At times I think he gets a big kick out of me with the age thing. Spirits think nothing of age or gender sameness or differences.

It's time for my shower. Last night she gave me her number and she has mine. She was to call the other gal. I'm guessing 6:30ish is the time they will be ready.

Tomorrow morning the running group will meet again.

Personally, I'm ready for cooler weather; but, not shorter days. We'll be running in the dark soon.

Hm. I just about fell asleep!

Well, the above was written at about 4:00 PM; It's 7:00 and they are not meeting until 9:00PM. I think I'll get there at about 8:30 PM.

This is all new to me. Well, actually it is and it's scary. Everyone loves the comfort of a relationship where you never have to walk into a place by yourself.

I'm finding something out! Woman do not know how to meet woman. So they are all friends! Makes you wonder how they ever couple up. Well, I know in the past I did the pursuing and I guess I have to continue otherwise you stand around and wait forever. Life is so strange!

I feel misplaced. I'm a hot item, misplaced. I'm sexual and misplaced. Yes, life is strange!

I have no appetite. I know I should eat something, but I have no appetite. I am wanting, desiring somebody I can't have again! It's so frustrating. I'm so misplaced.

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