Thursday, August 10, 2006


I'm still trying to cool down from my run/walk. I ran to the grocery store and walked back. Well, it would be a little difficult to run carrying ten pounds of dog food.

Leaving the parking lot of the store and approaching the intersection cross walk, I came upon a blind spot around a huge scrub bush. My intuition told me to wait and creep out looking toward the blind area. Good thing I didn't go! Because here comes little dick in a big ass red gas guzzling very high profile vehicle and little dick was looking the other way over all the cars to see if it was clear to make his right turn without slowing much.

He would have hit me, if I would have been out there. I wish I can remember the author's name of a book called "The Female Brain" I simply need to buy this book. Women are far superior in so many ways over men. For one thing they can multi-task. Women are intuitive and can sense things that are happening around men. Men have tunnel vision. Per her book men are busy pursuing a conquest to overcome their enemy. Weird! Can't connect!

This makes it very easy for me to be a lesbian. I'm into soft, warm, tender, intuitive, nurturing, sensitive, all knowing. Women just know; well, most of them do.

I think the only reason men are in power is because they are tricky, conniving and intrinsically evil.

As a child the men in my family were evil, even my brother; but, for that matter my mother was too, because she backed them.

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