Tuesday, August 15, 2006


A young friend of mine wanted me to recommend a OB/GYN. And I did!

The first I recommended is gentle, caring, compassionate, tender and has a gentle touch and would never hurt you.

The other? It a little more rough, just do to her nature, I guess. Anyway she was a little rough with me. Next time I see her I'm telling her she better not be so rough. I think she saw me grimaced in pain last time and was surprised.

There might have been a reason last time..but not next time!

I'll give her that first one as an oversight...but I'm telling her next time.

Both I feel are very professional and wouldn't recommend them to my friends otherwise. There is just always a little difference between people.

She's young and it may be her first time, so I think she should go with the tender, extra compassionate doctor. But it's her choice and her insurance will dictate her decision in the end, anyway.

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