Sunday, August 13, 2006

Feeling the Love

and feeling grateful today.. I guess I should everyday.

When I get up early and run six or seven miles it sets me up for an extraordinary day. My heart, brain, emotions, and body gets a kick start and I'm ready to get on with living a life of love.

I feeling love for past love relationships, ones that never took and ones present. I have close connections with my friends. They are priceless to me.

We are all connected at the quantum level. According to "What the Bleep's - How far down the rabbit hole to you want to go?" we are all connected and entangled and at the time of the "Big Bang" everything, all of us - spirits got blown apart but at the quantum level we are still connected, each of us and everything.

I'm feeling that love today.

I am appreciating all the loves of my past, present and future. We are spiritual being visiting here on earth in human form. My, how we can so easily forget that.

Why, just look at the global fuss over oil! Why can't get all be more like Brazil who will be petroleum free by next year!

Is this a male thing? Leader in China, USA, Canada and the Middle East fighting over the last few drops of oil.

You know? Someone is not thinking? Why not huge wind mills, solar and electric cars.

I'm watching "We Were Warned" on CNN showing now. If there is a crisis in the Middle East and a Level 5 Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico gas will go to over $8.00 a gallon and could cost you about $200.00 to fill your BIG SUV tank.

Chevron, BP and Mobil say they are going beyond petroleum. Is it lip service. The price of crude is set on profit or availability. Is the refining capacity deliberately set low?

The Crude people say they are over 150 billion barrels in the USA alone, but they are not permitted to tap it.

Per big wheels at BP alternative fuel choices have not been seriously looked into. So their slogan is merely "Lip Service" to appease the public into thinking they are searching for alternatives to petroleum.

Can you only imagine the price of groceries if trucks that deliver supplies and food have to pay extraterrestrial prices for fuel at the pump?

What is wrong with these men? Are they crazy? Just big kids fighting over the one toy available to see who wins?

Be smart fellows; be the one to come up with a fabulous alternative. I'm still watching CNN's "We have been warned". Brazil has it all over every other country by making sugar cane and Ethanol. The fiber waste runs the mill besides created Ethanol to supply over 11,000 cars per day from only one mill and they will have about 130,000 mill by the next seven years.

It's called Alcoo. It has it's roots in the 1970's oil crisis. The leaders of this country were brilliant! The created the Flex cars which computerized can sense the ratio of petroleum to Ethanol. No more government money is needed in Brazil. They run pure Ethanol in their cars. This man is driving down the roads between the sugar cane fields.

You will never see it in the USA because oil is a birth right in American and Detroit claims that American wants big ass vehicles. On average today's vehicles have the same fuel efficiency as twenty years ago.

If the big ass big shot in Detroit says that if fuel gets to $100. per barrel it will basically bring American to it's fuel loving knees.

Bush comes from an "oil" investing family. His daddy and cronies were one of the first to invest in foreign oil and now we have no choice but to pay the price.

The electric car in the mid 90's was literally crushed by GM, government and the oil companies. Just who side are these people are? The air is filthy and making people sick! Why? All because a few old white rich men want to get richer.

A former Clinton CIA agent Wooley drives a Toyota Prius so does Al Gore and all of his family. GM comes up with the Hydrogen idea which will take ten years to make feasible. All bull because they could push Ethanol and Electric.

Bush says himself "America is addicted to oil". These guys want to drain every drop of oil and line their pockets with green.

It's all selfish bullshit people!

The USA will wait until there is a global crisis before they will do anything about this. They will wait until we have no fuel at the pumps and the nation crawls to a standstill. Just sit for a second and imagine your vehicle, your way to work, emergency services, deliveries without fuel.

Yes, today I am feeling the love; but your government, auto and oil industries are NOT!

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