Sunday, August 06, 2006

Big Shots!

I'm getting ready to run; it's 5:45 AM just getting light. I'll have lots to think about while I'm out there.

We live in a society of control, coercing and deceit. I can't get over the fact that the auto makers came back in a vengeance after being told to create the electric car. Evidently, they don't like being told what to do. The vengeance: bigger than ever gas guzzlers. "We'll show you!" It's all about power and control. Don't piss off the big boys! Anyway, that is the way it all appears to be to me.

Society in general consisting of government, the church and big business like to control just what we do. It used to be really worse than what it is now. What do you think the 1500's witch hunts were all about? Women who spoke their minds got murdered, all in the name of the lord!

People in power can find ways to justify and do exactly what they want to do. They twist the truth and if necessary cover-up details of truth.

Society consisting of church and government dictates by creating emotions of shame to steer us with love and marriage. They tell us how old and what sex and used to be what race (maybe still). It's all about the control. People wanted to rule over others. Big shots.

In the spirit world there are only emotions. Age and sex sameness is not required. We fall in love with like spirits. Oh my gosh! I prayed for someone to love who is just like me. And she is in so many ways; so many adorable ways. One social problem - an age difference (yes, again - only wider this time). This breaks my heart. If she would ever love me would be a miracle! She's exactly what I wanted. Hey, I asked for younger. Don't you all know, she can't be that young according to society. But, who is watching so closely. There would only be remarks from close friends. No, I can't see it happening. Her friends would crucify her.

So, there goes that dream. I'll speak with Ezekiel this week. Hopefully, he can shed some light from the spirit world and help me with this. Why does she have to be so refreshing.

She doesn't carry the demanding, poor me, baggage so many older women carry around on their lined faces and poor postured backs. Get over it people. You are only perpetuating the circumstances. Let it go! Start each day new. Get a better hobby. Run faster! Do something to stop those poor-me negative emotions of self-pity. I swear, the older they get the worse they get. Whiners! And they search the faces of the crowd like lost puppies. I, personally, cannot take on loads of baggage. You need to heal yourself and get over your cold domineering mother. Stand up and get on with it. You are worthy of love. But, remember, you only get back what you put out there. I'll repeat that because it is very important and sums it all up. You only get back what you put out there!

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