Thursday, August 10, 2006


People are extremes aren't they? When is enough finally enough? Super sized cokes, burgers. We live in a society of all you eat, drink and choke down! What are we, a bunch of hogs? What is so missing so much in our lives that is impossible for us to feel fulfilled?

Now we have to have the biggest house, biggest best vehicles, biggest families. Our kids compete for the best influential friends, teams, honors, scholars, schools, partners and jobs.

I'm sorry but this seems a little weird to me. So are we trying to please kids by giving them the best or is it that we are trying to feel good about ourselves. Do we feel that if our kids get the best of everything money can buy then we have done a successful job as parents. Does all this really prepare the kids to work in the world. Will they be able to face disappointment, or failure if it happens without a total breakdown. Will they be motivated enough to get out on their own and face the possibility of failure and disappointment. Is seeing that a child as every possible opportunity a wise thing? Does giving them everything and pushing them to be successful really preparing them for adulthood or early breakdown?

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