Monday, August 21, 2006

I was thinking about people I will always love today

Today as I ran and enjoyed a absolute gorgeous day, I thought about past loves who will always remain in my heart.

We meet people the people we meet in our lives for a reason! So pay close attention! Each person we come across is here to teach us something. Per "What the Bleep/ Down the Rabbit Hole" quantum physics theory we are all part of the same tree.

I thought about the good doctor and how she saved my emotional life. She lead me down the freedom path of life. I will love her and be most grateful to her forever.

Then there is my 05SL. She gave me life, love and romance. She gave me life when thought I was dying or already dead!

I have so many wonderful friends and activities planned each day. This is the best time of my life.

I am learning via quantum physics theory (What the Bleep!) that we are centers of our own universe and have control of our life; if only we would realize that! I'm concentrating on remaining safe, healthy and youthful. I'm knocking off thirty years through meditation and concentration and because I know I can

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