Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ezekiel at the Bar

Well, even before I went to the bar I knew I was going to the bar because Ezekiel told me as much. He told me that he saw me in a place with happy, good people having fun and I would let her know how I felt about her.

My head was crystal clear, my energy level way up there, my memory in tack for remembering names and what people said. I was in the moment allowing the power of the universe to create my desired reality. Was it the Margaritas, the music or her? Her!

Yes, I watching for clues and holding back during the process. But, after the fourth drink, I did quickly hold her, kiss her head and tell her that I adore her. She is so precious.

I love watching her process thoughts and actions and listening to her speak: solid and sure footed and she knows her stuff.

I have discovered that there are two sides to her: The bar girl, a little are daring, slightly more butch, and ever so cute. Then there is the hair-up more feminine side, oddly enough the sporty side with the hair up more feminine look.

I am living in the moment, open to suggestions and ideas, and interpretation of the reasons behind my thoughts and ideas. To live in the moment is to learn and allow the universe to guide me through these times of change of analyzation of where I am coming from and why I love the way I do.

Okay, Ezekiel at the bar, I told her. I want her to want me. I want her to care about me as I care about her.

It will be what I believe it to be. Now is not the time for self doubt.

Now, happens to be the time for me to get to sleep. I have to be up in three hours. Way to go!

Maybe it's the self love I feel that has be highly energized!

I'm allowing Ezekiel's wisdom and energy to flow through me. I am master of my universe if I believe that I am. The power lies within. Believe it! The DVD tries to tell us that if only we would believe it!

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