Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lost in Her Eyes

She tried to explain the organization's recent state political project. I was willing to join. But, in all honesty, as she spoke and I looked into her eyes and it's there that I got stuck. I couldn't get beyond her eyes or hear a word she was saying.

Big, clear green, warm, wonderful. Just there, her eyes, closing framed by the white bill of her cap. My heart began to melt all over again. Oh, how I could wrap her in my arms and hold her close to my heart. So precious!

She knows I think she is adorable! The other night I wrapped my arm around her and drew her close and put my lips to her head feeling her large curls around my cheek and nose. I feel I could hold her near forever.

I can't wait to see her again. I pray she is safe, warm, and feeling my love somehow.

She'll has my love and my prayers on her trip home she will take soon.

I'm watching "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want to Go?" A knowledgable one of Bud ism speaks of the internal war of our emotions. We need to let go of our internal uncontrollable emotions. We create our own internal war of illustional emotions. Most of them created by our own creative imaginations. In other words, we can be our own worse enemies and we expect others to be the problem or to fix us. We must learn to fight our own emotions.

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